Monday, December 7, 2009


So this is the last blog of English 2201. I want to make it something amazing but I’ll just let you guys remember the times that we had in English, Printing things off in the minutes before class, not showing up on days that we had to turn stuff in, watching random things and making connections between them, blogs, etc. It has been a fun class I think and I’ve learned a lot. I think it had some work associated with it but I think it was for the best. Im glad this class went better than my freshman English class but that’s another story. So ill put a quote on this final blog:
“People who mind don’t matter, and people who matter don’t mind.” –Dr. Suess

Music time

This final installment of my blogs is one that means a lot to me. In this one I wanted to share how music has such an impact of a person’s state of mind. I love listening to music because it has the power to change how I feel about a situation. It is amazing that it just a few lines in a song can make your day better. It seems a lot like literature because you have the power to interpret music and make it your own. It is funny that many people cannot see how close music and literature are so closely related. It is such a vital part of life that people don’t understand how much it really affects us. As I said I would earlier here is a random quote.
“Never take life to seriously, you will never get out alive” –Van Wilder

Things learned.

Life is a funny thing. You learn so much as you go along, and its not always perfect. I learned that people change but its only externally. They are still the same person on the inside. Life is too short for people to hold grudges or stay mad. You just need to push past it. The only person that controls your life is, you. The best part is that life is what you make it and i learn that more everyday. Don't push away the ones you love because in the end they are why life is worth living. I want to end the last blogs on a quote.
"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much"
-Bessie Anderson Stanley