Monday, November 30, 2009

UofM Chaos

The University of Memphis is an interesting place. I always try to go to places I’ve never been and at times I have never been. Many buildings are extremely different depending on the time of day you go into them. The Tiger Den changes dramatically throughout the day and there is no telling who you might see in there. The library is another place that you will spot random people throughout the day, night time will surprise you as well. This randomness is not just buildings, but it is the way one walks. I try to walk a different way each day to try something new. It is amazing what can happen if you add some randomness to your life….

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. I spend almost all of my time in Patterson, but every once in a while I have to walk over to Admin or Rose Theatre or Panhellenic Hall, or even from a different parking space than usual. It's so strange to get outside of my little routine and to see that there's a bunch going on within campus, stuff I have no access to or knowledge about.
